Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hello internet classmates,

I've lost the assignment sheet for the paper that's due this Saturday. Professor Hyman, if you're out there, could you post it on here? Or email it to us? Classmates, any of you have a scanner/lightning quick typing skills?




  1. What do you think is the most important thing you want your students to know about writing?
    What would you like their writing to be like?
    What do you want their/feel about their writing?
    Name something that you have done/would like to do with your students to attain these goals:
    What were/are your expectations?
    Are these expectations warranted? Explain.
    What were the results? (If you are not currently a classroom teacher, what would you anticipate the results being?)
    How would you do this differently if you could do it over/again?

    Pretty much turn the questions above into an essay that involves a reflection of what we have discussed in class regarding writing and teaching writing, and maybe some strategies we may want to use when teaching writing. The paper should be about four pages or better. That's the assignment, more or less.

  2. Hi sweety. I would like to invite you to join my international giveaway. Pls give it a try. :)
